Welcome to Little Peoples Horsley (Brooks Reach)

40 Escarpment Place,
Horsley NSW 2530

(02) 4058 3539
Enrolment Enquiry

Operating Hours:

Monday 7am – 6pm
Tuesday 7am – 6pm
Wednesday 7am – 6pm
Thursday 7am – 6pm
Friday 7am – 6pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

Early Learning Centre Horsley (Brooks Reach)

Little Peoples Early Learning Centre Horsley (Brooks Reach) is a brand new, purpose built centre overlooking picturesque country. Caring for children from 6 weeks of age, the centre was built with a focus on providing a safe, educating, and fun experience for all ages. With long opening hours, we are open 52 weeks a year closing only for Public Holidays. Transition to School Program included, with an extensive range of age appropriate resources including computers and smart screens in both of our Preschool Rooms. Age appropriate and shaded soft fall playground approved by the Cancer Council.

Book a tour to see our beautiful facilities!

Meet Jessica, Your Centre Supervisor

Hi, my name is Jessica and I am the Nominated Supervisor at Little Peoples Brooks Reach. 

My Little Peoples journey began in 2013 at the Dapto Little Peoples centre as a casual employee. I then went on to our Lake Heights centre in 2017, as a second in charge Diploma educator, working in the Preschool Room. I was then offered the position of Nominated Supervisor at Lake Heights and in 2021, transferred to the Brooks Reach centre, where I worked alongside the Nominated Supervisor. In 2023 I went on maternity leave and had my beautiful daughter. Upon my return I was offered the wonderful opportunity to become the Nominated Supervisor of the Brooks Reach centre. 

Here at Brooks Reach Little Peoples we have an amazing team of educators who are always striving to provide quality care to all of your little ones. The educators aim to form and maintain meaningful relationships with the children, families and community. 
Our wonderful educators use their skills and knowledge to encourage all the children in our care to explore, create, imagine and take risks. By doing so, children are encouraged to have a sense of belonging and connection to their world. 

Our play spaces are all child-centred and allow the children to self-guide their learning with support from their peers, educators and the educational environment. All of our programs consist of many experimental play opportunities and socially driven experiences, in order for all children to learn through play by exploring and using trial and error in their thinking and problem solving skills. 

I believe it is my duty as an Early Childhood Educator to give each child the chance to have a quality educational and the best start in life. I believe in the Urie Bronfenbrenner theory, this is about how the ecological systems benefit children’s development. Highlighting how different environments and influences impact a child’s development. As I strongly believe in this theory, I believe it is evident in my own day-to-day practices in child care. I feel having strong relationships with the child’s influencer(s), enables to build on their child’s development, abilities and skills. From this, I create special bonds with each individual child and enhance their life journey. 

My goal is to have a centre where each individual child is thriving and growing in their development to become the best they can be. Children have their own rights and choice in their everyday experiences and I love to learn and listen to the children and families about their backgrounds, culture and religions. I believe all children becoming socially respectful if they are continually learning about different cultures and religions and the diversity of our world in their early years as they are able to adapt to social environments, maintaining a respectful and ethical relationship within the wider community. 

Please feel free to contact us to enquire, or book a tour of our service and meet our friendly team. We can’t wait to meet you and your little one! 

Warmest Regards, 

Jessica Rolet


Morning tea, Lunch & Afternoon tea are all provided

At Little Peoples we believe that healthy eating habits are formed in early childhood and that children’s nutrition is important to their health and life long development, that is why our nutritional menu incorporates the daily dietary requirements of children.

Our Service receives fresh and nutritious meals delivered to us daily by Kids Gourmet Food.  The menu rotates every six weeks exposing children to the broadest range of flavours, textures and ingredients, while ensuring they are receiving the recommended nutritional intake every day.

Information for Parents | Kids Gourmet Food

If your child has any special nutritional needs, food allergies or sensitivities, please let your centre supervisor know.

Our centres are a ‘nut & egg free’ environment.

Fee Assistance

This preschool program is a recipient of funding under the NSW Department of Education’s Start Strong for Long Day Care 2023 program. For more information: Preschool fee relief in Long Day Care Factsheet

Child Care Subsidy (CCS) is paid directly to services to help with the cost of child care for families who use approved and/or registered care such as this Little Peoples Centre. You can claim this subsidy using your Centrelink online account through myGov.

If you do not already have an account you can create one by visiting https://my.gov.au
Link your myGov account to Centrelink – you can do this under ‘Services’.

Once an account has been created you must log in and complete your Child Care Subsidy Assessment.

The Child Care Subsidy is income tested and is assessed by Centrelink in conjunction with the Governments determined priority of access guidelines for child care centres and child immunisation requirements.

For further advice and assistance visit: https://www.humanservices.gov.au/individuals/services/centrelink/child-care-subsidy
or contact the myGov Helpdesk on 13 23 07

Register Your Little Loved One With Us Today!